Intestinal worms are very common in kittens and cats, so regular worming is important as they can also transmit it to humans. Many worms are invisible to the naked eye, so worming tablets should be administered regardless of whether worms are seen in the faeces.
Furthermore, roundworms are a significant human health hazard causing permanent sight loss in a number of children in Australia every year. We recommend using an all wormer, which are available as a tablet or a spot on product.
Heartworm is transmitted between cats via mosquitoes. Infection with heartworm is a potentially fatal disease where treatment can be expensive and not always successful. We have a topical product which covers heartworm in cats available for purchase from our practice.
It is better to use a regular flea prevention treatment rather than letting an infestation develop as all pets will be exposed to fleas at some stage.
Remember that all pets in the household must be treated.
For cats we recommend a monthly ampule which is applied onto the back of the neck and covers worming, heartworm and fleas.
Our team of professionals are here to help make pet care easy. If you have any questions or concerns about your pet's health, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We love talking about animals and we’re more than happy to help! If you would like to make an appointment you can book online or give us a call to arrange a suitable time.