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How can I stop my dog pulling on the lead?

Dogs pull on the lead when they are excited, and let’s be honest, walks are pretty darn exciting! Teaching your dog to walk well on the lead can make walks more enjoyable for all involved. We recommend walking your pet on a head collar (e.g. halti) or a front pulling harness (e.g. easy lead harness where the lead attaches to a clip at the front of the chest, rather than the clip on the back). Dogs that walk on either of these are less inclined to pull and provide the owner with a little bit more control on walks. Old fashioned check chains, flat collars and harness where the lead clips onto the back all allow and to a degree encourage your dog to pull. We stock Head Collars and Halti Easy Walker (front pulling) Harnesses and can show you how they work. One of our friendly staff members can fit your dog with one. Come in and ask us!